In this captivating Romantic program featuring Chopin’s 24 Preludes, as well as works by Kreisler, Rachmaninoff, de Falla, Gluck, Liszt, and Schubert, pianist Veneta Neynska explores the profound connections between music and life when confronted with the challenges imposed by destiny.
Frédéric Chopin’s masterful 24 Preludes were directly influenced by J.S. Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier, with each piece composed in a different key. Consequently, the first half of the program showcases the vast array of tonal CHOICES within music.
However, music, akin to life in its temporal constraints, unpredictability, and boundless emotional range, transcends mere choices. It delves into the core human values of love, joy, sorrow, death, and purpose. Similar to how composers meticulously plan their compositions, people often shape their lives with careful intentions. Yet, the future remains uncertain, as it is often determined by the CHANCES we encounter.
Presented by Veneta Neynska, this inspiring and thought-provoking program titled “Chances & Choices” showcases her exceptional command of the keyboard, delivering exquisite tonal nuances and building up to dramatic musical climaxes.
Frédéric Chopin (1810 – 1849)
24 Preludes
Fritz Kreisler / Sergei Rachmaninoff
Liebesleid & Liebesfreud
Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873 – 1943)
Elegie op. 3, No. 1
Manuel de Falla (1876 – 1946)
Danza No. 1 from ‘La vida breve’
C. W. Gluck / Giovanni Sgambati
Melodie from ‘Orfeo ed Euridice’
Franz Schubert / Franz Liszt
‘Gretchen am Spinnrade’
Franz Liszt (1811 – 1886)
Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2
Duration: approx. 40 minutes for each half