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Thoroughly researched and artistically impressive, Veneta’s musical projects have captured the hearts and minds of audiences throughout the world. Take a look at the current ones and find out more about the upcoming dates.
dimitar nenov
The Bulgarian pianist, composer and architect in recital along with the musical documentary ‘Dimitar Nenov and the Dimensions of Elegance”. The new digital album ‘Nenov by Neynska’.
chances & choices
An inspiring programme of Chopin’s 24 Preludes as well as works by Kreisler, Rachmaninoff, Liszt and Schubert. Exploring the similarities between music and life when one’s will and determination are challenged by the role of destiny.
Current repertoire of concerti for Piano and Orchestra include Beethoven’s Fourth, Alexander Tansman’s Second and Ravel’s Concerto in G. Find out more about Veneta’s upcoming concerto appearances.
about veneta

Known for her exceptionally creative and exciting projects, pianist Veneta Neynska is one of the most emotionally engaging and intellectually captivating pianists of her generation. Her fine and thoughtful interpretations of short pieces in the Brevitas solo album, elegant series of black-and-white musical videos and profound renderings of Franz Schubert’s complete piano sonatas are among the many fascinating pianistic endeavors Veneta has offered her appreciative audience.
A passionate advocate for the musical heritage of fellow Bulgarian composer, pianist and architect Dimitar Nenov, Veneta Neynska has thoroughly researched his life and works and, together with director Jassen Haralampiev, has created a critically acclaimed musical documentary about the legendary artist. The film features the only surviving recording by Nenov, widely considered as the most significant Bulgarian pianist of all times. “Dimitar Nenov and the Dimensions of Elegance” has been presented as part of a cine-concert in various European capitals and is freely accessible with subtitls in five languages at Veneta’s YouTube channel (link). She has made a rare recording of Nenov’s piano music and the album “Dimitar Nenov” (link) is available at the major streaming platforms. It includes the composer’s masterpiece Theme and variations and his devilishly difficult Toccata, recorded for the first time by a female pianist.
DIMITAR NENOV and the dimensions of elegance
Watch the full musical documentary about Bulgarian intellectual Dimitar Nenov (1901-1953), considered by many to be the greatest Bulgarian pianist of all times. Apart from being a masterful pianist, Dimitar Nenov was also a talented composer, a practising architect and an important figure in the Bulgarian society during the first half of the 20th century.
The movie is a collaboration between Bulgarian pianist Veneta Neynska and video producer Jassen Haralampiev. It contains new recordings of Dimitar Nenov’s works for piano, performed by Veneta Neynska, as well an excerpt from the single surviving recording by the composer as a pianist. The film also features rare and unpublished photographs from Dimitar Nenov’s personal archive.
Subtitles available in English, German, French, Ukrainian and Hungarian
Dimitar Nenov wrote his most dramatic and virtuoso solo piano work in 1939. The Toccata has been one of his signature pieces as a performer and today it is among the greatest challenges for every pianist.
An early Romantic piece from his German period, when Nenov studied both music and architecture, the Meditation is one of Nenov’s most excruciatingly beautiful works, although little known and rarely performed.
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